Meet the team 

Milkalyser has a small, but exceptional team who each play a vital role in our operation. With a diverse range of expertise, we are able to understand the current challenges facing the dairy industry and develop the most innovative and effective solutions. In the past year we have greatly expanded our team and we are always on the look out for exceptional people to join us. If you think you have what it takes please take a look at our vacancies page.

Toby Mottram, FREng. BA(Hons) MSc PhD FIAgrE

Technical Consultant

Toby Mottram FREng is the founder of Milkalyser and a prominent figure in the UK agricultural engineering sector.

During his career he has co-invented robotic milking, developed cow breath sampling, in-line milk progesterone analysis, and a rumen telemetry bolus. After Silsoe Research Institute closed in 2005 he continued development of the pH bolus eventually producing a commercially viable product which he has sold worldwide through eCow.

In 2016 he held a BBSRC/Royal Society of Edinburgh Enterprise Fellowship which allowed him to develop this business that will revolutionise dairy cow fertility. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and is a Fellow of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers.

Up until March 2017, he held the position of Douglas Bomford Trust Professor of Farm Mechanisation at the Royal Agricultural University.


Iain Redmore, BSc

Senior Software Engineer

Iain has a BSc in Computing, BTEC HNC in Electronic Engineering & Computer Technology and a BTEC HND in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. He joined Milkalyser in April 2017 having previously worked for eCow as a software contractor.

He has 32 years software development experience working previously in defence, oil & gas, recruitment and for the past 5 years agricultural technology.


Jordi Llavina, BSc

Software Engineer

Jordi has recently joined Milkalyser after finishing his Telecommunication Degree. He has previously completed an internship as a software engineer for eCow in 2017, and has also been a software assistant in the BoC Group. Jordi is now creating the infrastructure for the next Milkalyser’s project.

In his spare time, he likes listening to music, reading or simply relax by enjoying the nature with friends.


Ben Brunt, MPhys PhD

Chief Information Officer

Ben grew up on a dairy farm on the west coast of Wales, before going on to study Physics at university. He joined Milkalyser in June 2018 after completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge analysing data from the Large Hadron Collider.

Away from work, Ben enjoys walking the hills, singing and whistling.


David Shotter, BSc(Hons)

Mathematical Modeller

David has just finished his degree at the University of Exeter in Mathematics, he has been working on the statistical and mathematical side of Milkalyser since September 2018 on a part-time basis whilst helping at Belmont chapel during the rest of the week.

With his spare time, he enjoys running, playing guitar, baking and playing chess.


Harriet Botterill

Office Manager

Harriet began working for Milkalyser in 2017, having been at eCow since 2012. She ensures that the Milkalyser office runs smoothly. In her spare time, Harriet enjoys going to gigs, listening to music, reading and spending time with her family.

Interested in joining us? Head over to our vacancies page to see our current opportunities.