
Milkalyser allows you to keep your best cows for longer

  • A higher conception rate due to timelier insemination during oestrus
  • An improvement in submission rates
  • Fewer cullings due to infertility
  • An early detection of pregnancy or re-absorption of the embryo
  • Keeping fewer heifers as replacements
  • By bringing the calving interval below 390 days, a net value of £250 per cow could be saved

The cost of poor fertility

There is a substantial cost associated with leaving cows open for longer. Progesterone profiles can be used to more accurately detect oestrus and so improve the timing of insemination. Increasing the accuracy of insemination time could save money and improve the likelihood of conception.

Abnormal progesterone profiles can be a sign of reproductive issues and so can help identify cows for further veterinary examination, as well as identify cows which may be pregnant.

To find out more about the benefits Milkalyser could bring to your farm, get in touch with our team.